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Music Majors to Present Concert Sept. 27

Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Three Westminster College music performance majors will present a concert Saturday, Sept. 27, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.  The program is free and open to the public.

Senior Alexis Musgrove and junior Danielle Smith participated in a three-week intensive opera program in Verona, Italy, over the summer that included classes in Italian language and diction, acting, career development, and private sessions with world-renowned leaders in opera.  They attended four operas at the Arena di Verona and performed in concerts in Verona churches and in a castle overlooking the river Adige.

Musgrove is a daughter of JoAnn Musgrove of Warren, Ohio, and a graduate of Warren G. Harding High School.

Smith is a daughter of Christopher Smith and Lucija Jezovnik, both of Kennerdell, and a graduate of Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School.

Sophomore Joseph Bandi, who is also a music education major, participated in the Dublin International Piano Festival July 24-August 4.  He attended and performed in public master classes covering performance psychology, piano technique and piano maintenance and repair.  He had private lessons with faculty members from the Royal Irish Academy, Indiana University and Miami University.  The festival concluded with a Student Gala that included solo performances by each of the students.

Bandi is a son of Joseph and Debbie Bandi of Imperial and a graduate of West Allegheny High School.

Saturday's concert will include selections from the summer experiences along with photos and stories of each trip.

Contact Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz, Westminster associate professor of music, at 724-946-6045 or email for more information.

Danielle Smith (l) and Alexis Musgrove
Joseph Bandi