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College Ranked in the Top 100 Colleges Best Value 2015 by ETC College Rankings Index

Posted on Thursday, October 2, 2014

Westminster College was named a "Top 100 College Best Value 2015" by Educate to Career (ETC), a California-based nonprofit whose data is used by college career centers and career planners, higher education advocacy organizations, student loan servicers, corporate recruiters and employers.

The index analyzes data for more than 1,200 four-year colleges with enrollments over 1,000 students, representing 94 percent of all students enrolled in four-year colleges.  Westminster's placement (75) puts it in the top six percent of the 1,224 schools in the data pool.

According to its website, "The ETC College Rankings Index analyzes the quality of students when they enter a given college, the total costs related to attending the college, and the outcomes of the students when they enter the labor market.  The rankings results are determined by which schools did the best job of improving the earnings and attainment of quality employment of their students."

Contact Rick Sherlock, Westminster senior director of marketing and communications, at 724-946-7191 or email for more information.