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Choral Groups Entertain, Educate

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Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Westminster College Men's Chorus, Chamber Singers and Concert Choir recently presented entertaining and educational programs in local venues.

The Men's Chorus was featured at the quarterly meeting of the New Castle Music Club Sept. 30.  The group sang Scottish and Irish folk arrangements, including "Barb'ra Allen," "Carrickfergus" and "Finan Haddie."  Soloists were Matt Benzenhoeffer and Gabriel Danko; Zachary Harper was featured on recorder; and Benjamin Grove is the accompanist.

The Chamber Singers and Concert Choir participated in an educational outreach tour Oct. 3, performing for approximately 600 students at New Castle, Wilmington, Sharon and Hickory high schools.  Jennifer Peet is the accompanist for the group.

The choirs are under the direction of Dr. Samuel Barbara, Westminster assistant professor of music and director of choral activities.

Barbara, who joined the Westminster faculty in August, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Portland and D.M.A. from the University of Southern California.

Contact Barbara at 724-946-7278 or email for more information.