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Heinz Lecture Series to Present the Indian Temple Dance

Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, Nov. 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Beeghly Theater, the Heinz Lecture Series at Westminster College will present the "Indian Temple Dance."

Shobhitha Ravi will dance in the Indian Temple Style and explain the meaning of her movements and gestures in relation to Hinduism. The interactive performance, as well as a question and answer session, is free and open to the public.

"This series of events focuses on the nature and study of religion in a world possessed of a number of religious traditions," said professor of religion, Bryan Rennie. "Our intention in presenting the Heinz Lecture Series is to host both cultural representatives of the world's religious traditions and the academic and theological scholars who study them."

For more information about the series, contact Bryan Rennie at 724-946-7151 or

Shobhitha Ravi
Shobhitha Ravi