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Department of Economics and Business hosted the second annual Summer Analyst Program

Posted on Monday, November 3, 2014

Six student intern analysts successfully defended an analysis of a publicly-traded manufacturing firm before a panel of expert judges. The program is an experiential learning event designed to replicate an internship on Wall Street. Student intern analysts review more than 1,000 pages of publicly-available financial documents and use real-world methods to prepare a full analysis of a publicly-traded firm under the supervision of a professional financial analyst. The program is open to students of all majors.

"The analyst program is a unique, real world experience that takes students through the process of analyzing the factors that determine a company's bond rating. As a result of the experience, students gain the ability to dissect a company's finances, evaluate it strategies and its competitive position, and reach a reasoned judgment about its ability to meet its debt obligations," said Dr. Daniel Fischmar, professor of economics and business.

Participants included Ann Marie Bayma, senior international business major and team leader; Jackie Miller '13, Jeff Seitz, senior financial economics and accounting major; Raechel Pusateri, junior English and history major; Rebecca Bradnam, junior biochemistry major; and Miranda DeRicco, sophomore financial economics and philosophy major.

"After speaking with Westminster alumni and hearing how highly they spoke of the program and its many benefits, I knew I wanted to be a part of it," shared Bayma. "I've grown over the past two years as a participant and I can see my progress. I now think more analytically and my confidence level has increased greatly."

The event was organized by Dr. Fischmar and Ben Nelson '06, Assistant Vice President at Moody's Corporation in New York City. Judges included Dr. Fischmar; Ben Nelson; Dr. Christie Grewe Nelson '06, CCICADA Postdoctoral Associate at Rutgers University; Paul Wozniak, Emeritus Professor of Accounting; Dr. Jane Wood, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College; Neal Edman; Vice President of Student Affairs; Phil Petraglia '83, Chief Financial Officer of Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse; Julia Warhola '13, Financial Analyst with Bank of New York Mellon; and Kevin Winner, Jr. '13. Warhola and Winner both participated in the program as students.

Warhola shared that she enjoys working with students as a mentor because the analyst program played an important role in obtaining her current position as an account analyst. "As a result of my participation, I developed the necessary critical thinking, research, and analytical skills that an employer values. My experience was highly beneficial on both a personal and professional level. It was also a great conversation point with my future employer during my interview," Warhola stated.

In addition to traditional academic offerings, the Department of Economics and Business organizes programs to help students obtain real-world experience in preparation for the job market or graduate study.