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Men's Chorus Participated in Mucho Macho Music

Posted on Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Westminster College Men's Chorus participated in the 11th annual "Mucho Macho Music" festival Tuesday, Nov. 4, at Trinity High School in Washington (Pa.).

The annual song festival for boys with changing voices in grades six through nine is sponsored by the Southwest Region of the American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania (ACDA-PA).

The Westminster Men's Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Sam Barbara, mentored more than 100 boys from a variety of schools throughout the day, providing positive vocal models and encouraging them by performing for them and with them.  

Guest conductor was Dr. Mark Boyle, director of choral activities at Seton Hill University.

The day's events concluded with a concert for family members of the participating students by the combined choirs.

"This clinic and the associated performance serve to strengthen ties between Westminster and Pittsburgh area schools," Barbara said.  "Our students serve as excellent role models for these young men, both as musicians and as young adults."

Barbara, who joined the Westminster faculty in August, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Portland and D.M.A. from the University of Southern California.

Contact Barbara at 724-946-7278 or email for additional information.

Men's Chorus (l-r): Jeremy Roberts, Matthew Younger, Alex Haney, Nate Frank, Joe Spurio, Dr. Barbara, David McCollough, Marqus Koranteng, Stephen Bendig, Nico Murano, Adam Cheatham, Brendan Messner, Kyle Monteleone, Pano Constantine, Zach Harper, Scott Webler, Ben Grove, Cameron Bailey