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Thanksgiving Community Worship Nov. 23

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Posted on Monday, November 17, 2014

Westminster College's Office of Faith and Spirituality will host a community Thanksgiving worship service featuring pastors from area churches Sunday, Nov. 23, at 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.  The service is open to the public.

Reverand Tom Gomola, pastor of Leesburg ECO Presbyterian Church, will speak on "For What Are We Thankful?"

Area pastors expected to participate include: Reverend John Grusendorf, pastor, New Wilmington Alliance Church; Reverend Jim Mohr, Westminster College chaplain; Reverend William Stone, pastor, Neshannock Presbyterian Church; Reverend Rick Vogeley, interim pastor, New Wilmington Presbyterian Church; Charissa Mikoski, student; and Adam Stahon, student.

Music will be provided by the Second Chance Praise Team. Student quartet, including Abigail Miles, Erin Kennedy, Chloe Knappenberger, and Rachel Read will perform "Be Thou My Vision." Gary P. Richards will act as guest organist.

Stahon, senior History major, is a son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Mary Stahon and a graduate of Cathedral Preparatory School.

Mikoski, sophomore sociology major, is the daughter of Dr. & Rev. Gordon and Nancy Mikoski and a graduate of Princeton High School.

Miles, junior communication studies major, is a son of Mr. & Mrs. Gary and Margaret Miles and a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School.

Kennedy, junior public relations major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Maureen Kennedy and a graduate of Riverview High School.

Knappenberger, sophomore pre-k - 4 early childhood education/pre-k - 8 special education major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy and Lisa Knappenberger and a graduate of Knoch Senior High School.

Read, sophomore music education major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Ruth Read and a graduate of Penn-Trafford High School.

All are welcome to participate in the canned good and donation drive during the event.

For more information, contact Diane Gabriel, executive secretary for the Office of Faith and Spirituality, at 724-946-7117 or