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Westminster College's Wind Ensemble to Present the "Young Conductors"

Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Westminster College department of music will present the "Young Conductors" Wind Ensemble concert Friday, November 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Will W. Orr Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public.

Under the direction of Dr. R. Tad Greig, conductor, the ensemble will also feature the student winners of the young conductor's competition, which include Laura Harris, trumpet major; Laura Mink, clarinet major; and Emily Raines, clarinet major.

"As usual, this is a simply wonderful group of young musicians who are extremely dedicated to the art of music," shares Greig. "The wind ensemble has been working hard over the last month, preparing for this concert, as well as other appearances in our community."

The concert will open with "Celebration Fanfare" by Steven Reineke, followed by "Masque" by Kenneth Hesketh, "Be Thou My Vision" by David Gillingham and "Blue Shades" by Frank Ticheli."  

Laura Harris, a senior music education major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy and Melody Harris and a graduate of Hickory High School.

Laura Mink, a senior music education major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Randy and Patricia Mink and a graduate of West Allegheny Senior High School.

Emily Raines, a senior music education major, is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bruce and Aline Raines and a graduate of Shaler Area High School.

To learn more about the concert, contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or