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Westminster College Student to Graduate 50 Years after Starting

Posted on Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mark Fowler, a Westminster College Latin major, will complete the requirements for his degree later this month, more than 50 years after entering as a freshman.

The Mt. Lebanon native who now lives in Winston-Salem, N.C., grew up in a family with well-educated parents - his father earned two doctorates - who expected their children to go to college.  Fowler came to Westminster in the 1960s to fulfill those expectations but left after three years "academically weak, tired and unable to decide on a major."  Without his family's knowledge Fowler joined the Marine Corps: "Needless to say, my parents were not happy with me."

The Marines trained Fowler in electronics and he served two tours of duty in Vietnam.  Nearly a dozen years later he left the military with the rank of staff sergeant and worked in the food service industry for more than 25 years.  Since retiring, he's been a volunteer with Meals on Wheels, hospice and "anything to keep busy."  One of the items on his bucket list was to complete his college degree. 

He had originally planned to return six years ago until he was told it would require a two-year commitment due to changes in graduation requirements.  He looked at a school closer to his home but found it "cold."  Unwilling to give up his goal, Fowler took a class or two when and where he could fit it in.  With the extra credits, he was able to pare down the required time at Westminster to the capstone and a cluster course, which could be taken in a single semester.

Everything was in place for Fowler to return in January.  However, the losses of his brother, who had been his biggest supporter and cheerleader, and his great niece, paired with his own surgeries and recuperation, put that plan on hold until the fall semester.

"It has been challenging but it's been fun!" Fowler said, citing dress code, food options, the library and technology as the most significant changes since he was last a student.  "The professors have bent over backward to accommodate me and the staff [in McKelvey Campus Center, where Fowler works at the Information Desk] have become like family.  It took the students a little longer to warm up to me, but we've had some great discussions."

"Mark has been the greatest addition to campus," said the Rev. Jim Mohr, Westminster chaplain, whose office is just around the corner from the Information Desk.  "We've shared books, coffee and life experiences in the weeks he's been here."

Fowler will earn his bachelor of arts degree in Latin this month and will return, with at least 12 guests, for commencement in May 2015.

Mark Fowler with Neal Edman, Dean of Student Affairs
Mark Representing His Westminster Spirit