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Music Department Announces Release of Faculty Member's CD

Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Westminster College Department of Music is pleased to announce the recent release of "Language of Romance," a recording featuring Marie Libal-Smith, Westminster adjunct piano faculty, and Lara Lynn Cottrill, Pennsylvania native soprano.

"The CD features songs of 19th century Italian composer, Vincenzo Bellini, and 20th century Austrian composer, Joseph Marx," shares Libal-Smith. "The Bellini songs are quintessential ‘pasta music' that are standard repertoire for many singers and the Marx Lieder are beautiful displays of late Romantic indulgence and pianistic virtuosity."

Libal-Smith has been adjunct faculty at Westminster for 12 years and has also been on staff at the Carnegie Mellon School of Music and the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music before moving to Pennsylvania.  She has piano performance degrees from Indiana University and Baldwin-Wallace University.

Cottrill sings roles with Pittsburgh Opera and Pittsburgh Opera Theatre as well other venues across the U.S.  Lara received a master of music in voice performance from the Eastman School of Music and has placed in numerous national and international voice competitions.

For more information about "Language of Romance," please call (724) 946-7270, visit the Westminster College Department of Music, or email Libal-Smith at