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Westminster Broadcast Communication Professor Addresses Educators

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dr. David Barner, chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Art at Westminster College, recently presented his research to the Broadcast Education Association convention in Las Vegas.

"My research Audio Basics-Skills that Bridge the Disciplines: Professional Advice for the Digital World' involved personally interviewing media professionals in radio, television, and theatre fields for their advice on what should be taught in a beginning level audio production course," Barner said.  "I presented ideas on how to move teaching from traditional analog media, such as audio tape, to the newer digital, computer-based media.  I placed a special emphasis on skills that could benefit multiple disciplines."

Barner was also part of a larger panel on "For the Good of Students: Integrating Radio/Audio Production Skills Throughout the Entire Curriculum."

"Many radio/audio production courses have been designed mainly for students wanting to pursue careers in radio," Barner said.  "With the advent of audio recording software and other digital technologies, many of these skills, however, are applicable and useful to other areas such as TV, film, music, and theatre.  The panelists discussed various ways in which radio/audio production courses have been developed, revised, or broadened to serve and to benefit all students within their departments."

Barner, who has been with Westminster College since 1981, is also an associate professor of broadcast communications.  He earned his undergraduate and master's degrees from Shippensburg and his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

Contact Barner at (724) 946-7239 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. David Barner