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Westminster Students Culminate Class in Greece

Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2005

Fifteen Westminster College students culminated a semester-long "It's All Greek to Me" cluster course with a three-week long trip to Greece after spending the Spring semester in a classroom studying about the country.

 The course was taught by Dr. David Goldberg, assistant professor of philosophy, who accompanied the students on the trip.

 "Ephesus was the best site that I visited during the trip," said Benjamin Nelson, a senior business administration and history major from Poland, Ohio. "Though only 10 percent of the ancient city has been excavated by the Turks, what was visible to the naked eye was simply amazing.  Ephesus and Patmos, an island we visited, added an unexpected and much appreciated bit of Biblical history to the trip.  We saw the Cave of the Apocalypse and the house of the Virgin Mary."

 "At Westminster, adequate preparation is given, and it provided me with enough background to both understand what I saw and what to seek out," said Nelson.  "I saw all of the top historical and archaeological sites on my list, and was provided with a knowledgeable tour guide.  I can't remember a question going unanswered."

 Nelson has advice for other Westminster students thinking about going on a class trip.

 "My advice to students would be to pick the area you are most interested in, keep a journal, and most of all treat it like a vacation.  This is a once in a lifetime experience, so it's important to make it count."

 Contact Goldberg at (724) 946-7153 or e-mail

Cassie Pantages, Dr. Suzanne Prestien, Dr. David Goldberg, and Melanie McGrew