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English Professor Presents Paper at National Conference

Posted on Friday, January 27, 2006

Dr. Bethany Hicok, assistant professor of English at Westminster College, recently presented "Companions in Disguise: The Conjuries of Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore" at the Modern Language Association Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.

 "In the paper, I argued that a close examination of the important relationship between these two poets can help us to understand better not only their poetry of the 1930s, but also their response to the dire political, social, and economic conditions of the 1930s," Hicok said.

 Hicok, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Russell Sage College, her masters' and her Ph.D. from the Unioversity of Rochester.

 Contact Hicok at (724) 946- 6349 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Bethany Hicok