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Bleasby Colloquium Features Poetry Reading

Posted on Monday, February 13, 2006

Dr. David Swerdlow, professor of English at Westminster College, will present "The Nests and Other Poems, A Reading" at the Bleasby Colloquium Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "I will be reading poems from my new book manuscript, The Nests," Swerdlow said.  "This manuscript, which I completed during my fall sabbatical, is a contemporary sonnet sequence inspired by love and grief."

This colloquium is the fourth in a series of events scheduled for the George Bleasby Colloquia, a series of literary events in honor of Dr. Bleasby, who chaired the Department of English at Westminster from 1954-75.

 Swerdlow, who has been with Westminster College since 1990, earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and his master's and Ph.D. from Purdue University.

The event is free and open to the public.  Contact Swerdlow at (724) 946-7345 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. David Swerdlow