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Two Westminster Professors Publish Joint Paper

Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2006

Two Westminster professors, Dr. Helen Boylan, assistant professor of chemistry, and Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English and public relations, had a joint article, "Detective Fiction and Forensics in Collaboration," published in the 2005 Winter issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly.

 "This paper is about the interdisciplinary collaboration at Westminster College through cluster courses, which typifies the best of what learning communities offer to both faculty and students," Boylan said.  "The focus is on the link between detective fiction, a literature course, and forensics, a lab science course, and how combining the two courses into a cluster course allow students to evaluate the same general topic from two disciplinary perspectives."

 All Westminster College students are required to take at least one cluster course, usually during their sophomore or junior years.  A cluster consists of two linked courses taught by at least two faculty from different disciplines to the same group of students.  Cluster courses offer opportunities for students to integrate knowledge and to develop into a community of learners.

 Boylan, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Westminster and her Ph.D. from Duquesne University.  She can be contacted at (724) 946-6293 or e-mail for more information.

 Mitchell, who has been with Westminster College since 1992, earned her undergraduate degree and master's from Youngstown State University and her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

Dr. Helen Boylan
Dr. Deborah Mitchell