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Siblings of Westminster Students to Spend Weekend at College

Posted on Monday, February 20, 2006

Westminster College is hosting its 16th annual "Lil' Sibs Weekend" Friday-Sunday, March 3-5.  The event allows Westminster students to share their college experience with younger siblings, cousins, or friends.

Registration, photo buttons, games, and face painting kick off the "Hollywood Stars" weekend on Friday from 4-8 p.m. in the Club Room of the McKelvey Campus Center. Students and siblings then have the opportunity to attend Westminster's Dance Theatre production in Orr Auditorium or Theatre Westminster's production of "And Then There Were None."  The early evening movie, "The Chronicles of Narnia" begins at 8 p.m. and "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" begins at 10:30 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater.  Students and siblings will be able to attend Titan's Tavern in the McKelvey Campus Club Room, where they will enjoy free refreshments and entertainment that includes J.S. Eicher opening for Rebecca Bailey, followed by The Valley Below.

Saturday activities begin at 10 a.m. with a men's tennis match, followed by the Alpha Phi Omega Story Hour at 11 a.m.  After lunch, participants can get Hollywood-style antique photos and play the games of Inflatable Twister and Moonbounce.   Lil' Sibs can also take part in a scavenger hunt at 1 p.m., a swim party at 2 p.m., or darts, pool, and board games from 2-4 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus student lounge.  The evening offers an Alpha Phi Omega Retro dance and karaoke, night owl bowling, or a chance to view a movie or play that was missed on Friday.

Sunday offers another opportunity to attend a movie or play and a vesper service at 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

The event is sponsored by the Campus Programming Committee (CPC) of Westminster College.  For more information contact Megan Swank, Lil' Sibs coordinator, at (724) 946-7408 or the CPC office at (724) 946-7057.