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Professor's Research Featured in Health Magazine

Posted on Wednesday, March 8, 2006

The research of Dr. Kristin Park, associate professor of sociology at Westminster College, was featured in the March 2006 issue of Health Magazine.

 "Health Magazine is a popular magazine, rather than an academic journal where my research had been previously printed," Park said.  "I am please to be quoted within it because I am reaching a much broader audience.  I like seeing the topic of voluntary childlessness discussed anywhere in the popular press because couples that are childless by choice often feel invisible within the larger culture."

 Park, who began this research in 1996, has a chapter published in the textbook, Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context and Interaction, and has presented her findings to the American Sociological Association and the Eastern Sociological Society.  She has been quoted by Barbara Yost in the Arizona Republic newspaper, and has been an advisor to a film project on childless couples, Childless by Choice: Love Stories.

 Park, who has been with Westminster since 1993, earned her undergraduate degree from Colgate University, her master's and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

 Contact Park at (724) 946-7251 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Kristin Park