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Westminster to Host Hospice Live Teleconference

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Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006

Westminster College will host the Hospice Foundation of America's 13th annual "Living with Grief" teleconference live – via satellite Wednesday, April 5, at 1 p.m. in the Maple Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "Pain Management at the End of Life: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice" will be moderated by Frank Sesno, professor and public policy and communication at George Mason University and special CNN correspondent.

 This teleconference provides an educational forum in which a multidisciplinary panel of experts will look at the laws and regulations that govern the practice of pain management.  It will also examine ways in which health care workers and the general public can work together to improve the societal approach to pain management.

 The program is co-sponsored by Family Hospice and Palliative Care, Shenango Presbyterian Senior Care, Westminster College, and the Hospice Foundation of America.   The program is free and open to the public. 

Continuing education contact hours (CEs) will be available for nurses, social workers, clergy, counselors, funeral directors, psychologists, physicians, EMS personnel, EAPs and nursing home administrators for a cost of $25.

 Contact Maria Massucci, community liaison for Hospice, at (724) 983-0137 ext. 101 for more information.