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International Students Headline Diversity Symposium

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Posted on Monday, March 20, 2006

Four international students attending Westminster College will speak at the Diversity Symposium, "Through Other's Eyes, Our International Students in America," Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. in the Berlin Student Lounge located in the Westminster College McKelvey Campus Center.

 Student speakers include: Jelena Gerga, a sophomore international politics and political science major originally from Serbia, is a daughter of Gabriel and Aurelia Gerga, Lakewood, Ohio, and a graduate of Lakewood High School; Lawunmi "Lulu" Lawani, a junior economics major, is a daughter of Titilola and Olatunde Lawani, Nigeria, and a graduate of St. Pauls College High School; Thokozani "Thoko" Mbewe, a mathematics and accounting major, is a son of John Mbewe, Nigeria; and Patrick "Paddy" Donnelly, an exploratory major, is a son of Desmond Donnelly, Ireland.

 "They will talk about their experiences and perceptions of American life," said Dr. Neal Edman, dean of student affairs at Westminster.  "They will discuss their interpersonal and political adjustment to life in America.  They have fascinating perceptions."

 Edman and Dr. Kristin Park, associate professor of sociology, will facilitate the event. 

 "We will intersperse trivia about their native lands and will serve finger foods from their countries," Edman said.  "The audience will have time to participate in a question and answer session, too."

 Among the many facets of a Westminster College education is the exchange of different ideas and philosophies and the acquisition of diversity of knowledge, experiences, and values.  To this end, the Diversity Symposium provides a knowledge and appreciation of differences among people, human cultures, and the natural world.

 Contact Edman at (724) 946-7113 or e-mail for more information.