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Preschool to Celebrate the "Week of the Young Child"

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Posted on Friday, March 24, 2006

The Westminster College Preschool will celebrate the "Week of the Young Child," April 2-8, with speakers, readers, educators, and parties.

 "Early childhood experiences lay the foundation for later learning and work to make sure that children succeed in school and into adulthood," said Diana Reed, preschool teacher at Westminster's preschool.  "Quality early childhood programs prepare children to take full advantage of their educational opportunities and become effective citizens, capable workers, and loving parents of the next generation."

 The Westminster College Preschool Lab is celebrating the Week of the Young Child with the following special activities:

 Monday, April 3 – Guest speaker Beth Meyer of New Wilmington will show the children her heirloom dolls and talk about their history.

 Tuesday, April 4 – Guest speaker Kim Brennen of the New Castle Library will talk about reading books.

 Wednesday, April 5 – President R. Thomas Williamson of Westminster College will read a book to the children.

 Thursday, April 6 – Dr. Amy Camerdese, associate professor of education at Westminster College, will read "Kamishibai," a Japanese book.

 Tuesday, April 11 –  Space Night is Parents Night at the Preschool Lab.  Preschoolers and their families will have the opportunity to enjoy a planetarium event, hosted by Dr. Sam Lightner, professor of physics at Westminster College.  The parent committee is preparing games, art projects, and delicious snacks for an event that will be "out of this world."

 Contact Reed at (724) 946-7174 or e-mail for more information.