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"Cotton Patch Gospel" Coming to Westminster April 7 and 9

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Posted on Friday, March 24, 2006

"The Cotton Patch Gospel" will be performed by the Westminster College Chapel Drama group, Friday, April 7, at 8 p.m.  and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

 "The Cotton Patch Gospel" is an adaptation of Clarence Jordan's book of the same name.  It grew out of Jordan's desire to communicate the gospel he loved with the people he grew up with in the cotton patches.  The musical play recasts stories of Jesus and the letters of Paul and Peter into the language and culture of the mide-20th century south.  The play is not a conventional musical, but it is abundant with music by the late Harry Chapin.

 The play is free and open to the public, but there will be a free will offering to support Westminster College campus ministry programs.

 Contact the Westminster College Chapel Office at (724) 946-7115 for more information.