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Students Take Top Places in Intercollegiate Honors Band

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Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2006

Five Westminster instrumentalists earned top spots at the 59th Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Honors Band held recently at Shippensburg University.

 The band is comprised of students from colleges and universities from across the state.  This year's band was chosen from 30 Pennsylvania colleges and universities.

 "I continue to be extremely proud of the talent of our instrumentalists," said Dr. R. Tad Greig, director of bands and assistant professor of music at Westminster College.  "This honors festival allows our instrumentalists to compete with students from outstanding university programs across our state.  Each year, our musicians consistently place at or near the top of their sections."

Zelienople, PA
 Jacob Moon, a son of Reid and Krista Moon, earned the first chair over six other euphonium players, allowing him the honor of playing a solo in the concert.  Moon, a sophomore music education major, is a graduate of Seneca Valley High School.

Grove City, PA
 Allison Henley, a daughter of Donald and Nancy Henley, earned a first chair in the second alto saxophone section.  Henley, a senior music education major, is a graduate of Grove City Area High School.

McDonald, PA
 Eric Walker, a son of Lewis and June Walker, earned the second chair of of seven tuba players.  Walker, a sophomore music education and political science major, is a graduate of West Allegheny High School.

Poland, OH
 Jenna Diorio, a daughter of Gary and Anna Marie Diorio, earned a fourth chair on clarinet.  Diorio, a junior English and music major, is a graduate of Boardman High School.

Crescent, PA
 Stephen Wheeler, a son of Frank and Terry Wheeler, placed second chair first bassoon.  Wheeler, a freshman mathematics and music major, is a graduate of Moon Area High School.

 Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for more information.