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Political Science Professor Presents Paper at International Meeting

Posted on Monday, April 10, 2006

Dr. Andrea Grove, assistant professor of political science at Westminster College, recently presented "A Different World: Teaching Strategies for North-South Courses" at the International Studies Association annual meeting in San Diego.

"The massive and widening gap in living standards and way of life between the wealthy North and Global South poses urgent problems for policymakers, scholars, and students – those who will shape the response of the future world – to comprehend," Grove said.  "The paper that Christopher Scholl and I have written, discusses pedagogical and values-based questions that arise in teaching about the Global South."

While at the meeting, Grove also served on the discussion panel for "The Processes of Peace and Reconciliation in Divided Societies," and was secretary for the Active Leaarning in International Affairs business meeting.

Grove, who has been with Westminster College since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia, master's from Lancaster University, and Ph.D. from the Ohio State University.

Contact Grove at (724) 946-7254 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Andrea Grove