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Kappa Mu Epsilon Inducts New Members

Posted on Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kappa Mu Epsilon, a national mathematics interest organization, inducted 10 Westminster College students at the annual Mathematics and Computer Science Department Spring banquet held recently in the McKelvey Campus Center.

Kappa Mu Epsilon is designed to further the interest in mathematics in schools that place their primary emphasis on undergraduate programs.  Requirements include at least a 3.0 grade point average out of a possible 4.0, and current enrollment in a mathematics class.  The purpose for this organization includes aiding undergraduates in understanding the important role mathematics has played in the development of  Western Civilization, providing a society to recognize the outstanding achievement in mathematics study at the undergraduate level, spreading the knowledge of mathematics and familiarizing members with the advances being made in mathematics.

Awards and scholarships were also announced at the banquet.  Nicole Panza received the Mathematics Book Award and the Thomas R. Nealeigh Mathematics Scholarship; Andrew Polack received the Computer Science Book Award; Curtis Yenyo received the Paul E. Brown Memorial Scholarship; and Courtney Gilmore and Sarah Spardy received the Harriet Jackson Sarver Scholarship.

Special recognition went to the Denison University Programming Contest Teams: Stack Overflows which included Jeremy Alberth, Ryan Moore, and Jacob Romigh; and Null Pointers, which included Colin Dean, Peter Lukich, Nicole Panza and Andrew Slane.  Recognition also went to the Geek Week Team of Amber Bollard, Colin Dean, Larissa Fortna, Samantha Leipheimer, Nicole Panza and Sarah Spardy; and the Mathematical Modeling Contest winners including Lariss Fortna, Beth Kribel, and Nicole Panza.

The department also recognized the Mathematical Modeling Contest team of Larissa Fortuna, Beth Kribel, and Nicole Panza, as well as the participants in the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, Courtney Gilmore and Sarah Spardy

The event continued with the recognition of the Putnam examination participants, Christie Grewe and Andrew Murphy, and the Youngstown State University Pi Mu Epsilon Regional Conference, Lauren Beichner, Brian Fadden, Christie Grewe, Nicole Panza, Bryan Bischof, Courtney Gilmore, Allison Rook and Andrew Polack.

Honored guest at the banquet was Harriet Jackson Sarver, a 1936 Westminster graduate and longtime supporter of the Westminster Mathematics and Computer Science Department.

Contact Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor of mathematics and chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, at (724) 946-7291 or e-mail for more information.

Sarah Spardy, Harriet Jackson Sarver, and Courtney Gilmore
Kappa Mu Epsilon Inductees: (Front row R-L) Dana Larson, Benjamin Jarrett, Lisa Gayetsky, Nicole Panza, Curtis Yenyo; (Second row R-L) Andrew Polack, John Cochran. Missing from this photo are Michael Henninger, Evan King, and Alison McNary.