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Westminster Theta Chi Fraternity Sponsors Unusual Benefit Party

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Posted on Monday, November 10, 2003

Theta Chi fraternity of Westminster College is sponsoring a "Suitcase Party" Thursday, Nov. 13, at 9 p.m. at the McKelvey Campus Center Club Room and Lounge to benefit the American Red Cross.

"Students bought $10 tickets to come to the party and be eligible for gifts, including the grand prize of a three-night Florida trip package for two," said Craig Carlin, senior art major from McKeesport and philanthropy chair of Theta Chi. "All guests will bring their packed suitcases to the party, and we will announce the winner that night. The winner and their guest will then leave the party at midnight, travel by limousine to the Pittsburgh Airport, and fly to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The prize also includes their stay at the beach hotel, Best Inn."

Students who weren't interested in a vacation also had the opportunity to purchase $5 tickets, which included admission to the party and eligibility to receive one of the over 20 other door prizes.

"After the trip is paid, all profits will go to the American Red Cross," Carlin said. "We hope this event gets bigger and better in the future, so that we can donate more each year. We've already chosen Bob Allen as next year's coordinator. We will change the date for this event next year, so that it won't interfere with anyone's classes."

For more information, contact Carlin at or Allen at