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Westminster College Hosts Professional Networking Symposium for Over 300 Students, Alumni & Friends

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Posted on Monday, March 20, 2017

Westminster College will host a Professional Networking Symposium for current students, alumni and friends of the college on Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Check-in begins at 8 a.m. in Patterson Hall followed by a career fair in Orr Lobby. There is no cost to attend the event; however, reservations are required. Register online at

The Professional Networking Symposium is designed to help students and young alumni better understand potential paths after graduation, including career and graduate school options. There are also many opportunities for students, alumni and friends of the college to meet and network with others in their field, as over 300 attendees are expected to attend the event.

“Although this program originated in the Business Department, it has really been adopted by the entire College community now,” says Kara Montgomery, Director of Alumni Relations.  “It’s very exciting to see alumni so passionate about wanting to return to campus to help our current students and offer them advice.  It lets us know that they are still connected not just to mother fair, but to their fellow student—they genuinely want to see our future graduates succeed.”

Co-chairing the event are Dr. Dan Fishmar, Economics Professor, Ben Nelson ‘06, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer at Moody’s and Dr. Christie (Grewe) Nelson ’06, Assistant Research Professor at Rutgers University. “Bringing industry professionals onto college campuses to connect with students is more important than ever. Networking is critical for students who want to obtain better jobs and understand all the opportunities that are out there,” says Dr. Christie (Grewe) Nelson.

The Symposium includes a career fair, over 30 breakout sessions with a variety of specially designed tracks, a networking luncheon and an off-site thank-you reception for participating alumni and friends. Sessions are designed to address specific topics and interests, include participants with directly relevant experience and are moderated by experienced professionals. The topics themselves are generated by a collaborative effort between a variety of parties, including the Career Center, Alumni Office, Academic Affairs Office, alumni stakeholders and faculty representatives from each of the College’s Divisions and Schools.

Students, alumni and guests, registration is available online at Please note that not all fields will apply to all attendees.

Students can also contact Terry Sammons at or 724-946-7338 to register for the symposium through the Career Center or visit the Career Center on the 3rd floor of the McKelvey Campus Center.

For more information, contact Kara Montgomery at or 724-946-7363.

Take a quick look at what you can expect at the Professional Networking Symposium!