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Dr. Robert Zorn Published in Two National Journals

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Posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dr. Robert Zorn, director of Westminster College's Graduate School, recently published articles in two national education-related journals.

Zorn authored "Coming in 2017: A New Generation of Graduate Students -- The Z Generation," which was published in the March 2017 issue of College and University. The article describes Generation Z—those born between 1995 and 2012— and how graduate schools are meeting these students' unique needs, particularly their dependence upon technology.

In June, Zorn's article "Getting the Best Principals for Your School District" was published in the American School Board Journal. After highlighting Westminster's Graduate School School Principal K-12 degree in an overview of common principal preparation program, Zorn provides practical tips for identifying strong leadership traits in principal candidates.

Zorn has been at Westminster since 1986. He earned his bachelor’s in education from Kent State University, a master's in education from Westminster, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

For more information, contact Jessica Shelenberger at or 724-946-7353.