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Faculty Forum Continues at Westminster College

Posted on Friday, October 10, 2003

Dr. Elizabeth Harrison, assistant professor of music and college organist at Westminster College, will present Faculty Forum Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 11:30 a.m. in Orr Auditorium.

"My presentation titled, Dietrich Buxtehude and the Fantastic Style,' focuses on a style of composition for keyboard in the late 17th century in North Germany," Harrison said. "The style was appropriately named Stylus Phantasticus or the Fantastic Style, and Buxtenhude was one of the primary composers who wrote in this style. We will hear several pieces of Buxtenhude, as I point out features and variations."

Faculty forum, established in 1990, serves as a venue for the exchange of ideas and information among Westminster College faculty. Speakers present their research, teaching ideas, lectures, performances, special programs, and uses of technology to keep faculty informed about the work of colleagues from many disciplines.

Harrison, who has been with Westminster College since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from Duke University, masters from Southern College and the New England Conservatory, and her D.M.A. from Stanford University. Harrison spent three years studying at the North German Organ Academy in Germany, and has distinguished herself as one of the leading experts on the Baroque organ.

Harrison is also the founder of the Westminster Historic Organ Program in Cappel, Germany, which offers students an opportunity to study and play several historic organs.

For more information, contact Harrison at (724) 946-7024 or e-mail