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International Film Festival Continues at Westminster College

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Posted on Thursday, October 9, 2003

"Waking Ned Devine," a 1998 British/French comedy, will be shown Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Theater.

The film centers on a tiny Irish village that goes a bit crazy when one of its elderly residents wins the lottery, and promptly dies. The remaining 51 villagers then try to figure out how they can keep him "alive," and collect the loot.

The event, which is part of a five-film series, is free and open to the public. Free popcorn and soft drinks are in available in the student lounge before the show.

For more information, contact Dr. Deborah Mitchell, assistant professor of English and public relations, at (724) 946-7030 or e-mail