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Westminster College Hires Six New Full-time Faculty

Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Six new full-time faculty members have been hired at Westminster College. They are:

Dr. Andrew W. Ade, assistant professor of English, earned his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, his master's and his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He can be reached at (724) 946-7349 or e-mail

Dr. Rita Madarassy-Akin, assistant professor of economics, earned her undergraduate degree from Lafayette College, her master's and Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She comes to Westminster from the University of California where she was a research associate and taught micro and macro economics. Madarassy can be reached at (724) 946-7163 or e-mail

Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, assistant professor of psychology, earned his undergraduate degree from Emory and Henry College, and his master's and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. He comes to Westminster from the University of Pittsburgh where he taught psychology and conducted research. McMinn can be reached at (724) 946-7121 or e-mail

Dr. Shahroukh Mistry, assistant professor of biology, earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Baroda, India, his master's from the University of Tennessee, and his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. He comes to Westminster College from Grinnell College in Iowa. He was also a visiting lecturer at Bryn Mawr College and Rutgers University. Mistry can be reached at (724) 946-7210 or e-mail

Michael Slane, assistant professor of theatre, earned his undergraduate degree from Otterbein College, and masters' from the University of Kentucky and Ohio University. He comes to Westminster from Ohio University where he served as interim faculty, and scene/paint shop foreman. Slane can be reached at (724) 946-7236 or e-mail

Dr. Shannon I. Smithey, assistant professor of sociology, earned her undergraduate degree from Southern Methodist University, and her master's and Ph.D. from Ohio State University. She comes to Westminster from Kent State University, and has also taught in the University of Pittsburgh, and Ohio State University. Smithey can be reached at (724) 946-6247 or e-mail

Dr. Andrew W. Ade
Dr. Rita Madarassy-Akin
Dr. Jamie G. McMinn
Dr. Shahroukh Mistry
Dr. Shannon I. Smithey