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Titan Exclusive with Erin Smith, Chief Information Officer and Interim VP for Enrollment Management


Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM



Titan Exclusives 2024

Please join us for the 2024 Titan Exclusives, a series of conversations featuring Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson, President of Westminster College, and the College's Leadership Team.

Each session will offer opportunities for our key supporters and contributors to learn more about how Westminster College is meeting the challenges in today's higher education landscape through innovations in student engagement, academic programs, recruitment, and so much more. Hosted by Westminster broadcasting legend, Dr. David Barner, we invite you to be part of the conversation as well - opportunities to ask questions will be part of every session.

You have received this invitation because you are among a special group of supporters and contributors who ensure that Westminster College continues to thrive as a place where students develop the competencies, commitments, and characteristics that distinguish human beings at their best. We thank you for your continued support. 


For additional information, please contact Jamie Offutt at or 724-946-6996.

Reservations due by Monday, March 25, 2024