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Westminster College to Send 65 Volunteers on Habitat for Humanity's Collegiate Challenge Trip

Westminster habitat trip 2008

The Westminster College chapter of Habitat for Humanity will observe its 20th anniversary by sending 65 volunteers to Biloxi, Miss., for spring break March 15-21.

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Music Majors Received Drinko Grant to Attend Workshop

Four Westminster College music majors received a travel/presentation grant from Westminster's Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to attend a horn and tuba workshop Oct. 20-21 in Canton, Ohio.

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Mathematics Major Earned Presentation Award

Richard Ligo

Westminster College junior mathematics major Richard Ligo earned an Outstanding Presentation Award at the Mathematical Association of America's MathFest Aug. 5-7 in Pittsburgh.

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Junior Earned Second Place Award at National Conference

John Allison

Westminster College junior religion and philosophy major John Allison earned second place for his paper at the fifth North American Undergraduate Conference on Religion and Philosophy (NAUCORP) March 25-26 at St. Francis University in Loretto.

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Psychology Professor Co-Authored Case Study for National Center

Dr. Jamie McMinn

Dr. Jamie McMinn, Westminster College associate professor of psychology, co-authored "A Social-Cognitive Exploration of Reactions to Leiby Kletzky's Abduction and Homicide," a case study published by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in the Sciences.

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Westminster College Students Earn Western Pennsylvania Environmental Award

Lance Jubic (L) and Tyler Umstead (R) work on the ALLARM website.
Umstead (L and Front) and Jubic (R) work in the chemistry lab.
Umstead (L) and Jubic (R) collect data out in the field.

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa.  - Westminster College students Lance Jubic and Tyler Umstead will be presented an award by Dominion and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council at the May 23 Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards Dinner and Ceremony in Pittsburgh.

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Music Students Perform in Local Arts Festival

Six Westminster College music majors and their adviser performed at the Arts on the Riverwalk Festival July 12 in New Castle.

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Westminster College Art Gallery Hosts "Myth, Legend & Folklore"

The Westminster College Art Gallery is currently hosting "Myth, Legend & Folklore: Visions from the Collective Consciousness" through Sept. 20.  The gallery is open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and Sunday, noon-9 p.m.

 "We are proud to present this show, 60 works from 43 of our members," said Frederick H. Carlson, president of The Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators.  "In this show there is the historic, the contemporary, the humorous, the cerebral, the lowbrow, and the classic.  There are many surprises from some familiar names, and that's what theme shows are all about.  We have to remember to have a good time while we're doing what we love to do for our livelihoods.  That's not a myth."

 Westminster College will also host a gallery talk and reception Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m., where Carlson will talk more about the exhibit.

 For more information, contact Peggy Cox, professor of art and director of the Westminster College Art Gallery, at (724) 946-7266 or e-mail

Myth, Legend & Folklore

Twenty-two Westminster Students Inducted into Mortar Board

Twenty-two Westminster College students were recently inducted into Mortar Board, aa honor society that recognizes seniors with leadership, scholarship, and service skills.

The recipients of this honor will be recognized at the Westminster College Spring Honors Convocation Saturday, April 30, at 11 a.m. in Orr Auditorium.

For more information, contact Dr. Andrea Grove, assistant professor of political science and advisor to the group, at (724) 946-7254 or e-mail

Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Hosting Education Seminar

The Westminster College Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will host an education seminar, "Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Reach All Students: Application to Literacy Content Areas," Thursday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m. in Lakeview Room located in the McKelvey Campus Center

 Barbara Seni, who is an educational consultant and trainer in the area of literacy in grades K-12, is the featured speaker at this seminar.  The goal of this workshop is to inspire teachers, whether novice or veteran, to examine their instructional practices in light of what is known about the bond between content area literacy and differentiated instructional application.  Participants will be presented with a number of strategies that support all the ways a differentiated classroom can offer a variety of learning options designed to tap into different readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles of their students.  Participants will also be provided with opportunities to engage in these interactive and collaborative strategies.

The Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was developed to advance world-class teaching at Westminster and enrich K-12 education through outreach programs for area educators.

 The event is sponsored by the Tri-State Area School Study Council Department of Administrative and Policy School of Education of the University of Pittsburgh in collaboration with the Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Westminster College.

 All clinics offer Act 48 hours and are open to all interested parties.  For registration, contact Carol Fiumara at the Tri-State Area School Study Council at (412) 648-7185 or e-mail  Applications can also be mailed to: 4302 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA  15260.

Displaying 4381-4390 of 6508 total records