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Westminster College to Host Program for Hispanic Heritage Month

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College's Office of Diversity Services will host its annual Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration on Thursday, Sept. 20, from 7-9 p.m. in Berlin Lounge at the McKelvey Campus Center. The event is free to the public.

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Westminster College Alumnus Gives Advice to Economics and Business Majors

(l-r) Ann Marie Bayma, Caitlin Oertly, Jeffrey McCandless, Kimberly Stickney, Quincy Walker (front) and Daniel Matt.

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College alumnus Jeffrey McCandless `80, managing partner at Stone Harbour Partners, met with select economics and business majors April 24, prior to presenting the Distinguished Alumni Lecture at the Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC).

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College Receives Grant from Colcom Foundation

Lance Jubic (l) and Tyler Umstead

Westminster College received a grant for expansion of its Lawrence and Mercer County Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) program from Pittsburgh-based Colcom Foundation, whose mission is "to foster a sustainable environment to ensure quality of life for all Americans."

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Biology and English Professors Attend Summer Institute on DNA

Dr. Joshua Corrette-Bennett, assistant professor of biology, and Dr. Bethany Hicok, assistant professor of English, were recently selected to participate in the Summer Faculty Institute that explored the ethical, legal, and social issues pertaining to the Human Genome Project.  The event was held at Dartmouth College Ethics Institute.

 "The Human Genome Project was a multinational, 13-year effort to identify all three billion letters of the genetic blueprint of life called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA contained within a human cell," Corrette-Bennett said.  "With the completion of the Human Genome Project, the scientific community has refocused its efforts on trying to determine what the letters code for and how they direct the development and function of the human body  This project will have a profound affect on how we, as human beings, perceive ourselves, and how we interact with each other."

 Corrette-Bennett and Hicok attended this institute as a multidisciplinary team and will use the information to form a cluster course offered next spring that will combine literature and molecular biology. 

 "The cluster course will explore the ethical, legal and social dimensions of the human genome project," Corrette-Bennett said.  "Dr. Hicok and I believe that Westminster College's commitment to interdisciplinary pedagogy and the liberal arts experience contributed to the ELSI's selection of us for this competitive and prestigious program."

 Corrette Bennett, who has been with Westminster since 2001, earned his undergraduate degree from Bates College, and his Ph.D. from Brandeis University.

 Hicok, who has been with Westminster since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Russell State College, masters' and Ph.D. from the University of Rochester.

 For more information, contact Corrette-Bennett at (724) 946-7208 or e-mail, or Hicok at (724) 946-6349 or e-mail

Dr. Joshua Corrette-Bennett
Dr. Bethany Hicok

Westminster College Fraternity Sponsors "Relay for Life"

Westminster College fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi is sponsoring the eighth annual "Relay for Life" to benefit cancer research Saturday, April 16,  from 10 a.m.-10-p.m. at the Harold Burry Track.

"As of March 31, we have 33 teams signed up, and we hope to exceed the 48 teams we had last year," said Quay Rosengarth, sophomore public relations major from New Wilmington and Alpha Sigma Phi philanthropy chair.  "Our goal is to make this relay the largest and most profitable college relay in the area.  We want to grow each year and do our part in the fight against cancer.  Currently we have contributions from The Wright Place Salon, Borlands Golf Course, Pizza Joes, and Alice's Pizza.  We will take team reservations and sponsors until the day of the event."

Alpha Sigma Phi started this event to honor the memory of Dr. Peter Macky, a professor who died of cancer eight years ago, and was close to many of the students and staff at Westminster.  The fraternity has raised nearly $150,000 over the past seven years.

The concept behind Relay for Life involves teams of 8-15 people taking turns walking or running around the track, relay-style, for 12 straight hours.  Each team member is asked to raise donations to support the American Cancer Society's services, programs, and research.

The event features a cancer survivor walk at noon, a luminary ceremony at 9 p.m. and concludes with fireworks at 10 p.m.

 To sign up a team or become a sponsor, contact Rosengarth at (724) 946-7054 or e-mail

Westminster Film Expert Predicts Academy Winners

Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English and Public Relations, has made her predictions for the Academy Award winners.

 "I believe Brokeback Mountain will get Best Film; its director Ang Lee will get the Best Director award; and it will also get the Best Adapted Screenplay," Mitchell said.  "Best Actor will go to Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote.  Best Actress will be Felicity Huffman for Transamerica, although this one could be close because Reese Witherspoon is a strong contender for her role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.

 "The Supporting Actor Award should go to Paul Giamatti for Cinderella Man and the Supporting Actress will go to Catherine Keener for Capote, although you can never count Frances McDormand out for North Country.  Original Screenplay, well this is a tough one, but I'm betting on Good Night, and Good Luck, as a nod to George Clooney."

 Mitchell's background includes film studies, literature, composition, public relations, print and broadcast journalism, and advertising.  She completed her doctoral work in film studies at Case Western University under the direction of Dr. Louis Giannetti, author of Understanding Movies, Flashback and Masters of the American Cinema.  Mitchell's work has appeared in Literature and Film Quarterly and she has presented several papers at national film and literature conferences.  She presented her paper on Australian film at the Millennium Film Conference in Bath, England in the summer of 1999 and recently helped initiate the film studies minor at Westminster College.  She has written and produced television commercials, television programs, and printed material.

 Mitchell's book Diane Keaton: Artist and Icon was published in 2001, and along with Dr. Elizabeth Ford, a Westminster professor of English Emeritus, she co-authored The Makeover in Movies: Before and After in Hollywood Films, 1941-2002.

 Contact Mitchell at (724) 946-7030 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Deborah Mitchell

International Film Festival Continues at Westminster College

The International Film Festival continues at Westminster College Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Theater.

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Westminster College Education Honor Society Volunteers for "Reading is Fundamental"

Kappa Delta Pi, the international education honor society at Westminster College, will read poetry to children Friday, April 20, from 6-8 p.m. in the children's room of McGill Library.

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Executive Director of ECC to Speak at Westminster Faculty Forum

T.J. Arant, executive director of the East Central Colleges, will speak at Westminster College Faculty Forum, Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 11:30 a.m. in Patterson Hall room 131.

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Westminster College Students Advance to Finals in Business Competition

Five Westminster College students have advanced to the final stage of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) business competition, which will be held Feb. 16 at PICPA headquarters in Philadelphia.

In November, the members of the Westminster College team submitted a business plan for starting a new small business from scratch.  It was this plan for Steel City Messenger Service that earned them a chance to move on to the second phase of competition, which was awarded to only five Pennsylvania teams.

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