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Westminster College's AV Services Holds Most Successful E-Recycling Drive to Date

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College's Audio Visual (AV) Services hosted an electronics recycling drive April 20 that netted more than 13,000 pounds of recycled electronics, slightly besting their previous record drive in the spring of 2012, and bringing the total weight of recycled e-waste from the bi-annual drives to more than 70,000 pounds.

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College Named One of "The Most #GirlBoss Colleges"

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Westminster College was named to Her Campus's (website) 2014 list of "The Most #GirlBoss Colleges."

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Westminster College's Lambda Sigma Honor Society Awarded "Honor Chapter"

Westminster College's chapter of the Lambda Sigma Honor Society was recently awarded "Honor Chapter" status by the National Board.

 "This is the highest recognition that our organization gives," said Jane Price Harmon, national president.

 Lambda Sigma is an honor society with the purpose of fostering leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and the spirit of service among the men and women of the sophomore class, and to serve and promote the interest of the College in every way possible.

 "The critical component is that the chapter must be exceptional in their efforts to serve the College and outside community," said Dr. Neal Edman, dean of student affairs and co-adviser for the group.  "The National Board does not always recognize the mere continuation of the same programs and projects, despite their efficacy and effort required.  Chapters must show that they're reaching out in different ways in their service efforts and creativity.  The members of Lambda Sigma worked tirelessly and selflessly this past year to achieve this recognition."

 "Dr. [Kang-Yup] Na [assistant professor of religion] and I know that the men and women of this chapter were most deserving of this status," said Edman.  "We thoroughly enjoy serving as their advisers.  They are a terrific group of students."

 For more information, contact Edman at (724) 946-7113 or e-mail or Na at (724) 946-7155 or e-mail

"Emotion of Genius" Examined at Westminster College

Dr. Young-gun Ko, clinical psychologist and author, will speak at Westminster College on "Emotion of Genius, Genius of Emotion" Tuesday, April 19, at 5 p.m. in Phillips Lecture Hall located in the Hoyt Science Resources Center.

"I'll compare two world-famous physicists, Robert Oppenheimer and Niels Bohr, in view of emotional intelligence, the life-span development, and ego defense mechanisms," Ko said.

"Ko was my graduate assistant while I was a Fulbright Lecturer at Korean University in 2000-2001," said Dr. Sandra Webster, professor of psychology and faculty development officer at Westminster College.  "Since then, he and his wife, Jin-Young Kim, have completed their Ph.D.s in Peter Salovey's lab, who is now the dean of Yale's Graduate School and former editor of the journal, Emotion.'  Ko has continued to be my research collaborator on the cross-cultural project on gender and generational effects of emotional reactions to stress, which he and his wife work on a book called The Genius of Emotion."

The event is free and open to the public.  For more information, contact Webster at (724) 946-7359 or e-mail

Two Westminster Professors Publish Joint Paper

Two Westminster professors, Dr. Helen Boylan, assistant professor of chemistry, and Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English and public relations, had a joint article, "Detective Fiction and Forensics in Collaboration," published in the 2005 Winter issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly.

 "This paper is about the interdisciplinary collaboration at Westminster College through cluster courses, which typifies the best of what learning communities offer to both faculty and students," Boylan said.  "The focus is on the link between detective fiction, a literature course, and forensics, a lab science course, and how combining the two courses into a cluster course allow students to evaluate the same general topic from two disciplinary perspectives."

 All Westminster College students are required to take at least one cluster course, usually during their sophomore or junior years.  A cluster consists of two linked courses taught by at least two faculty from different disciplines to the same group of students.  Cluster courses offer opportunities for students to integrate knowledge and to develop into a community of learners.

 Boylan, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Westminster and her Ph.D. from Duquesne University.  She can be contacted at (724) 946-6293 or e-mail for more information.

 Mitchell, who has been with Westminster College since 1992, earned her undergraduate degree and master's from Youngstown State University and her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

Dr. Helen Boylan
Dr. Deborah Mitchell

Westminster Students Celebrate "Geek Week"

Westminster College recently celebrated "Geek Week," which was a week-long competition between the various science majors.

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Native American Children's Author to Speak at Westminster College

Joseph Bruchac, one of the nation's top Native American authors, will speak at Westminster College, Thursday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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Westminster College & News Channel 33 Honor Area Classroom Heroes

Westminster College and News Channel 33, the Youngstown, Ohio-based ABC affiliate, are teaming up to honor outstanding area educators.

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English Professor Co-Authors Book on David Madden

Dr. James Perkins

Dr. James Perkins, Westminster professor of English, co-authored David Madden: A Writer for All Genres.

"My book is a collection of critical essays by various writers on different aspects of the work of David Madden," Perkins said. "Randy Hendricks of West Georgia University and I solicited the essays and edited them for this volume. I wrote an essay on Madden's short fiction, and Randy wrote an essay on his criticism. Each of us conducted an interview and edited them into a single interview for this volume."

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Diversity Symposium Continues with Talk on Surviving Breast Cancer

Dr. Vicki Helgeson

Dr. Vicki Helgeson, professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, will speak about "Surviving Breast Cancer" Tuesday, March 27, at 12:40 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Mueller Theater.

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Displaying 4781-4790 of 6509 total records