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Westminster College to Host Award-Winning Author and Sociologist on Environmental Justice

Dr. Robert Bullard

Dr. Robert Bullard, a leading expert on environmental justice, will present "Race, Place and Environmental Justice" Thursday, April 2, at 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Rooms of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Students Attended International Security Workshop

Ten Westminster College students attended a workshop on international security Dec. 4, hosted by the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh.

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Business Administration Major Wins 2011 Edward Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Jennifer Louth, Dr. Richard Dorman, Jonathan Faltot

Jennifer Louth, a Westminster College junior business administration major, won the 2011 David W. Edward Entrepreneurship Scholarship competition.  The award includes a $2,500 academic scholarship.

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Senior Biology Majors Received Drinko Grants to Present Research

Hayley Ebersbacher
Kaitlyn Kemer
Jennifer Krueger
Kristen Prezioso

Four Westminster College senior biology majors presented their capstone research at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Jan. 3-7 in Charleston, S.C.

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Westminster College Crowns Homecoming King and Queen

Gregory Clark and Sarah Carlson
Alexander Lelansky and Liana DeFuria
Nathan Herrmann and Jenna Meighen
Gregory Clark and Lauren Stoczynski
Andrew Fierst and Brittany Colosimo

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Gregory Clark and Sarah Carlson were crowned Westminster College Homecoming king and queen during the halftime festivities Sept. 29.

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Students Earn Master's Degrees at Westminster College

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Four Westminster College students were awarded master of education degrees at Commencement exercises May 19.

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College Promotes 12 Faculty

Dr. Larry Miller
Dr. Thomas Oberst
Dr. Daniel Perttu
Dr. Kristenne Robison
Kurt Roscoe

Twelve Westminster College faculty recently received promotions.

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Bishop Nazir-Ali to Deliver Christy Memorial Lecture

The Right Rev. Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, the 106th Bishop of Rochester, will deliver the 18th annual Wayne H. Christy Memorial Lecture Sunday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

Westminster College will present Nazir-Ali with the honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Cause (L.H.D.).

  Nazir-Ali, who was born and raised in Pakistan and currently holds citizenship in his native country and the United Kingdom, will speak on "The Role of Religion in the Current International Situation."  He was the youngest Anglican bishop in the world, and the first Asian religious leader to sit in the House of Lords. 

 He is the author of a number of books on Christian mission and on inter-faith issues, particularly on Islam.  He was the chair of the group which wrote The Search for Faith published in 1996, which examined some of the barriers to people believing in Christ today.  He is a regular contributor to national, international and local newspapers, the Church Press, radio and television.

 Nazir-Ali's first ecclesiastical appointment was as an assistant at the Christ Church in Cambridge at the age of 21.  Other posts include Provost of Lahore Cathedral and Bishop of Raiwind, both in Pakistan.  He was appointed a member of the Archbishop of Canterbury's staff in 1986, and assisted with the planning preparation of the 1988 Lambeth Conference, where he prepared the Report of Pastoral Letters.  Nazir-Ali was appointed Bishop of Rochester in 1994, where he heads 264 Anglican churches with more than a million members. 
The Wayne H. Christy Lecture Series annually honors Dr. Wayne H. Christy, who was a long-time faculty member and chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Westminster College.   The program seeks out men and women who distinguish themselves by relating religion to issues of contemporary life.

For more information, contact the Westminster College Chapel Office at (724) 946-7115.  For more information about Bishop Nazir-Ali, e-mail Chris Stone at

The Right Rev. Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali

Westminster Student's Research Published

Aaron Bruck, a junior chemistry major at Westminster College, recently learned that his summer research project has been published in the March 7 issue of the "Journal of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry."

Bruck, was listed as one of the authors of "Triflic acid-catalyzed adamantylation of aromatics in [BMIM][OTf] ionic liquid; synthetic scope and mechanistic insight" along with  Kenneth K. Laali (Kent State), Viorel D. Sarca (Tulane), Takao Okazaki (Kyoto University, Japan), and Paul Der (Kent State).  Bruck was a partner in this research conducted during his summer internship at Kent State University.

Bruck is a son of David and Eva Bruck, Grove City, and a graduate of Grove City Area High School.

For more information contact Dr. Martha Joseph, associate professor and chair of chemistry, at (724) 946-7295 or e-mail

Westminster at Oxford Was Life-Changing Experience

The first year of the "Westminster at Oxford" is celebrated by students and faculty as a life-changing success.

 The Westminster at Oxford program allows students to take a semester of classes, taught by Westminster and Oxford faculty, at one of the world's greatest universities and still keep their Westminster tuition and financial aid.  The only extra charges are air fare and spending money, as students stay with host families.

 Two Westminster faculty members, Dr. David Goldberg,  assistant professor of philosophy, and Dr. James Perkins, professor of English, accompanied the 30 students on this inaugural travel program.

"Students are encouraged to take advantage of their time overseas by seeing other places in Europe," Perkins said.  "It's been interesting to watch a small group of students over a term grow more confident in themselves.  Study abroad is clearly a college without walls.  Learning happens 24/7."

 "Students had a choice of five classes on campus, plus an independent study," Goldberg said.  "Students were only required to take three classes, so that left plenty of time for independent exploration."

 "Classes are secondary to the experience of travel," said Matthew Kurtz, a senior history major from DuBois.  "Don't get me wrong, classes are important and I found learning about 20th century history from a British professor very interesting.  Their point of view is different from ours."

 "I learned a lot more outside the classroom than in it," said Caitlin Pratt, a junior English major from New Brighton.  " The classes were interesting, but very few of us had been so far away from home for such a long time.  At first we stuck to our professors as we were maneuvering through the airports and streets of the city.  But after a while, we gained confidence in our own abilities and learned how to travel by ourselves.  We became more independent and grew 'street smart.'"

 "Germany was my favorite place to visit.  My friends and I flew to Munich and then took a two-hour train trip south to Garmisch," Kurtz said.  "This town was the site of the 1936 Olympics.  We also visited the Schwanstein Castle, which is surrounded by the Alps, and took a walking tour to a resort located on the top of a mountain."

 "Travel is cheap in Europe," Pratt said.  "I went to Paris for $150 and that included the train through the English Channel and three nights in a hostel behind the Moulin Rouge.  The price included a breakfast of croissants, cereal, and coffee, and a nice clean room for four.  The metro was an adventure.  We got lost several times and we had a hard time understanding the map, but seeing Paris was worth all the hassle."

 "My favorite spot that I visited, however, was Stonehenge," Pratt continued.  "I was amazed at the structures built with such huge stones, especially when you consider that they were built without modern machinery."

 "My host family was great," Kurtz said.  "I didn't know what to expect, but I was blessed with a great family and great food."

 "I felt like I was part of the family because I had dinner with my host family almost every night," Pratt said.  "I learned a lot about their culture.  When they spoke to me, they would talk slowly, but amongst themselves their conversation sounded like a completely different language.  The Brits seem to think we are very conservative, which is evident in what you hear on their television stations."

 "We were fortunate to be in England when we were," Goldberg said.  "It was the anniversary of Guy Fawks Day.  He's the guy who plotted to blow up the Parliament and the king with 36 barrels of gunpowder, but was caught just 30 minutes before the blast was to explode.  Now they celebrate with fireworks.  We were also privy to an elaborate affair that included the Royal Family honoring Lord Nelson and his historic Trafalgar triumph."

 "The only thing I would change about the trip was to save more money and learn more about crossing a street over there before going," Kurtz said.  "I say if you can do it, then do it.  Work with your schedule, save your money, and even if you don't know anyone who is going, grab the opportunity anyway.  Learn a new culture where people live without 'things' like cells, SUVs, etc.  And don't take anything too seriously; enjoy even your mistakes."

 "I'm sure Westminster will change a few things about this program, after all it was new this year.  But I wouldn't change much because it's just a great opportunity and every student should considering entering this program," concluded Pratt.

 In addition to visiting various locations in England, Pratt visited France, Scotland, Ireland, and the Czech Republic and Kurtz visited Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and Spain.
 Contact Dr. Jeffrey Bersett, director of off-campus study at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7259 or e-mail for more information.

L-R Jessie Goldie & Matthew Kurtz
L-R at Jennie Wheeler, Jelena Gerga, Caitlin Pratt & Michelle Mair
2005 Westminster at Oxford Class

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