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Westminster College to Host Christian Music Concert Nov. 4

A Christian music concert, sponsored by the Westminster College Campus Ministry Programs, is scheduled Thursday, Nov. 4, at 8 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

 The concert features Brother Frank, and his music that centers completely around the transforming power of Jesus Christ and the lives of those who believe in Him.  Brought up in the faith, he was exposed to the powerful music of the church early in life.  His own musical career began at the age of six with piano lessons, and as he grew older he added guitar, hammered dulcimer and others.  His ministry of music combined with Screen Door Ministries uses the arts to reach the inner city and at-risk populations. 

 Opening acts for this concert include Dan Getkin, an Allegheny College student, singer, and song writer, and Shaded Gray, a group of 25 Geneva College student instrumentalists.

 The event is free and open to the public, however donations will be taken and proceeds will go the New Castle City Rescue Mission to help with Thanksgiving food baskets.

 For more information, contact the Rev. James Mohr, chaplain at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7116 or e-mail

Westminster English Professor Attends Literature Conference

Dr. Bethany Hicok, assistant professor of English at Westminster College, recently attended the American Literature Association conference in Boston.

 Hicok organized a panel, "Women Poets in Cultural Context: Dickinson, Moore, and Plath."

 "The panel featured three papers, all of which re-contextualized the work of three American poets , Emily Dickinson, Marianne Moore, and Sylvia Plath , by re-establishing the historical and cultural context of their poetic production," Hicok said.  "Drawing on new archival research, each paper discussed the poetic development of one of these three poets as an outgrowth of, and in dialogue with, the social and political forces that shaped their particular historical moment.

 Some of the work Hicok did was in collaboration with Lindsay Onufer, a 2004 Westminster graduate from Mars.

 "Lindsay accompanied me to the Lilly Library, so this particular paper and book chapter, represents significant ways the integration that I try to achieve between scholarship and teaching," Hicok said.  "When my students practice their profession , that is when they do literary criticism , I tell them that they are joining a conversation with other scholars.  My conference contributions and my ongoing conversation with a network of scholars in my field, are ways that I practice what I preach."

 At the conference, Hicok was asked by the Elizabeth Bishop Society to write about the panel, "Elizabeth Bishop: Correspondences," for the "Elizabeth Bishop Society Newsletter," which is published quarterly.

 Hicok, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Russell Sage College, and her masters' and Ph.D. from the University of Rochester.

 Contact Hicok at (724) 946-6349 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Bethany Hicok

Westminster Hosting Education Seminar for Science Teachers

The Westminster College Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is hosting "Science Network-The Pittsburgh Partnership for Energizing K-8 Science: Investing in the Professional Development of Teachers" Thursday, April 27, from 4-7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Rooms of the McKelvey Campus Center.

 The presenters include: Dr. Jen Cartier, assistant professor of science and elementary education at the University of Pittsburgh; Emily Chapman, a Ph.D. student at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy, where she is currently doing research in the field of biological physics; Denis Krysinski, who earned his master's from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in elementary and early childhood education and is currently a middle school science teacher at Greenfield School; Cassie Majetic, Ph.D student in ecology and evolution program in the Department of Biological Science at the University of Pittsburgh and science teacher at Beechwood Elementary School; and Susan M. Simmers, who has been teaching K-3 science and mathematics for 19 years at Beechwood Elementary School.

 The program was conceived as an opportunity to improve science learning experiences for urban student in grades K-8, with a special emphasis on intermediate and middle schools.  At the core of the partnership is the belief that investing in the professional development of teachers is the most effective way to achieve lasting instructional improvements. 

 The presentation includes a description of the professional development context that frames the work of the fellows and partner teachers in the partnership and the tools created to support curriculum critique and planning.  This event will also address the role of the Pennsylvania Science Anchors in guiding curriculum implementation.  The fellow/partner teacher teams will share specific examples of how their classroom practices have developed as a result of their work within the partnership.  The participants will also have time to engage in a discussion about the sustainability of this collaborative model.

The Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was developed to advance world-class teaching at Westminster and enrich K-12 education through outreach programs for area educators

 The seminar offers three hours of CPE credit.  Contact Carol Fiumara at (412) 648-7185 or e-mail for more information.  Registration requests can also be mailed to Fiumara at 4302 Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA  15260.

Westminster College Students Study Organ in Germany

Shelley Culver and Jaimee Davis, two Westminster College sophomore music majors, spent 10 days in Germany taking advantage of the Westminster College International Historic Organ Program.

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Twenty Westminster College Students Study Off-Campus During Spring Semester

Twenty Westminster College students are studying in Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Spain, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh during the spring semester.

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Westminster College Presents U.S. Army Field Band

The U.S. Army Field Band will present a summer outdoor concert at Westminster College's Brittain Lake Friday, July 5 at 7:30 p.m.

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Orchestra to Perform Oct. 22

The Westminster College Orchestra will perform Sunday, Oct. 22, at 3 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Combined Choruses to Perform Spring Concert

The Westminster College Men's and Women's Choruses will perform a combined concert Wednesday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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Professor to Speak on Jewish Music

Dr. Robin Lind
Chamber SIngers

Dr. Robin Lind, Westminster associate professor of music and director of choral activities, will speak on "Music of the Jewish People" at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 11:40 a.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Admissions Staff Visits High Schools

Westminster College admissions staff will be visiting local high schools the week of Oct. 13.

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