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Announcing Spring Planetarium Shows

The Westminster College Planetarium will host four shows this spring. The programs are free and open to the public. Due to limited seating, reservations should be made online at or by calling (724) 946-STAR (7827) Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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Westminster College Planetarium Presents "Just Imagine"

The Westminster College Planetarium presents "Just Imagine" Nov. 4, 6, 12, and 13 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 6 at 3 p.m.

 Imagination is the key to this cosmic journey.  The show begins by exploring the most common constellations, especially those of the fall and winter.  Past cultures have looked up at the sky and used their imaginations to see different patterns in the stars. 

 This show asks the audience to imagine what our world would be like with outthe moon?  What if our star was different, like a red giant or a hot blue star?  What might the last days of the universe be like? 

 Weather permitting, the audience of the evening shows will be invited to the rooftop observatory to look at the current sights in the sky.

 The show is free and open to the public.  Due to limited seating, reservations are required.  Call (724) 946-7200 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. to make reservations.

 For more information, contact Dr. Samuel Lightner, professor and chair of physics at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7204 or e-mail

Westminster Education Professor Discusses Changing Work Ethics in Japan

Dr. Amy Camardese, assistant professor of education at Westminster College, was one of 10 teachers from universities, high schools, and elementary schools in the United States and Canada who took part in an examination of the changing work ethics of Japanese youth with their Japanese counterparts and businesspeople in Tokyo.

 The theme of this 12-day exchange program was "Fostering a Work Ethic in Young People: Perspectives of North American Educators," which focused on a growing tendency of young Japanese to switch jobs quickly.  The phenomenon of "freeters," is a word coined to refer to Japanese youths who drift from one part-time job to another.  Many in Japan feel that "freeters" pose a threat to the nation's economic potential at a time when Japan faces a shrinking labor force brought about by shifting demographics.

 Camardese told the forum that many young workers in the United States do not share the work ethics of the baby boomers who will soon reach retirement age.

 "Management experts predict that many companies will have a difficult time retaining young workers as the baby boomers retire," Camardese told the forum.  "The traditional corporate policies and management style in the United States conflict with the lifestyle of the young workers.

 "Workers up to the age of 40 in America don't think twice about changing jobs if they find something better.  It's not unusual for many of these generations to change jobs 10 or 12 times."

 Citing a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher, Camardese said that in the U.S., young workers' values about work commitment differ from their parents'  particularly over what they will put up with in their organizations and businesses, and with their superiors.

 "So we have a very similar problem with Japan," Camardese added.

 Camardese cited research by another human resources consultant that suggests that younger workers want more immediate recognition and rewards than their parents did.

 "They want more autonomy when it comes to job choices.  They want fewer rules that stifle their individuality of expression.  They are also concerned about lifestyle issues: It's no longer necessary for them to work overtime because both the husband and the wife are employed,"  Camardese said.  "These younger workers are not inclined to accept authority, often question why they are being asked to do what they are asked to do."

 Part of the problem both in the U.S. and Japan may be the changing corporate structure. 

 "Many American firms are beginning to eliminate middle-management jobs, and they're hiring more part-time workers to increase profitability.  It is possible to put the changes in the right direction, but we have to figure out what that right direction might be," Camardese concluded.

 Camardese, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate degree from Ohio University, her master's from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Ph.D. from Kent State University.

 Contact Camardese at (724) 946-7183 or e-mail

Dr. Amy Camardese

Opera Westminster Presents "Magically Mozart" April 21

Opera Westminster will present "Magically Mozart" Friday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

"Students of the class will present scenes in English from Mozart's best-know-operas, including: "The Magic Flute;" "Don Giovanni;" "Cosi fan tutte;" "The Abduction from the Seraglio;" and "The Marriage of Figaro;" said Anne Bentz, assistant professor of music at Westminster College.  "Frau Mozart and Mozart himself will make cameo appearances and guide you through the maze of amazingly magical melodies."

The event is free and open to the public.  Contact Bentz at (724) 946-6045 or e-mail for more information.

98th New Wilmington Missionary Conference

Missionary work is not outdated. That will be obvious to anyone attending the 98th New Wilmington Missionary Conference at Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA from July 26 - August 2. Over 1,000 delegates and staff will come together for a week of Bible study, spiritual enrichment, and Christian fellowship. It is estimated that at least that many more area residents will attend some portion of the conference. All meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.

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Westminster College Speech Professor Presents Paper at Conference

James L. Cherney, instructor of speech at Westminster College, recently presented two papers at the National Communication Association Conference in Seattle, Wash.

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Westminster English Professor Signs Book Deal

Dr. James A . Perkins

Dr. James A . Perkins, professor of English and chair of the Department of English and Public Relations at Westminster College, has signed with the Louisiana State University Press to co-edit The Selected Letters of Robert Penn Warren, volumes three, four and five.

Perkins will work with Dr. Randy Hendricks of the University of West Georgia and Dr. William Bedford Clark of Texas A & M University.  Clark edited the first two volumes in a series that covered 1924-1942.

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Senior Music Education Major to Perform Flute Recital

Nicole Abel, a Westminster College senior music education major, will perform a flute recital Sunday, Nov. 5, at 1 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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Westminster Student's Undergraduate Research Leads to Elite Summer Research Program

Brett Turk

Brett Turk, a Westminster College junior psychology/human resources major from New Castle, was recently chosen by the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates to spend the summer working on research at Oklahoma State University related to his Westminster honors thesis.

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Professor to Speak about Religious Symbolism

Dr. Bryan Rennie with slide of Mircea Eliade

Dr. Bryan Rennie, Westminster College associate professor of religion and Vira I. Heinz chair in religion, will be the featured speaker at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

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