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Westminster Alumnus Published

Nathan Carlin, a 2001 graduate of Westminster College and current graduate student at the Princeton Theological Seminary, will have his research published in The Journal of Religion and Health.

"'Abandonment, Religion, and Male Melancholia: A Psychoanalytic Study of Archpriest Avvakum's Religious Autobiography' is an article developed from his honors thesis at Westminster," said Dr. Russell Martin, associate professor of history at Westminster College.  "This is an important journal in the field and a great tribute to the hard work and native abilities of this fine young man."

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Education Professor Visits China as Fulbright Scholar

Dr. Amy Camardese

Dr. Amy Camardese, Westminster assistant professor of education, recently visited China as a Fulbright Scholar.

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Students Present Capstones

Fifteen Westminster College modern languages, intercultural studies, and international politics majors recently presented their senior research projects in the Witherspoon Maple Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Dance Theatre to Present Spring Concert

The Westminster College Dance Theatre will present a spring concert Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 21-23, in Orr Auditorium.

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Lecturer Made Presentation at State Conference

Milagros Swerdlow (l) and Dr. Deborah Roney

Milagros Swerdlow, Westminster College lecturer in Spanish and Language in Motion (LIM) coordinator, presented a poster at the Pennsylvania Council for International Education annual conference Oct. 2-4 at University Park.

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Education Professor has Edited Book Published

Dr. SoYoung Kang

Dr. SoYoung Kang, Westminster College assistant professor of education, is a co-editor of Poverty, Education and Development, recently published by Nova Science Publishers.

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Professors Review St. Francis Department

Dr. Bryan Rennie
Dr. David Goldberg

Two faculty from Westminster College recently participated in a review of the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department at St. Francis University in Loretto.

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Men's Chorus and Director Participated in "Mucho Macho Music"

Men's Chorus
Dr. Robin Lind

The Westminster College Men's Chorus and its director, Dr. Robin Lind, participated in the seventh annual "Mucho Macho Music" festival Nov. 2 at North Hills Junior High School in Ross Township.

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Students Earn Master's Degrees

Ten Westminster College students earned master of education degrees over the summer.

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Exoplanets Detected from Westminster College Observatory

(L-r) Daniel Giles, Will Armentrout, Dr. Thomas Oberst
Transit of exoplanet WASP-43b

The Westminster College Observatory has detected five exoplanets (planets orbiting stars other than our sun).  These are not new discoveries, but the detections are significant because they demonstrate Westminster's capability to join the search for new exoplanets.

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