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Westminster College Assistant Professor to Discuss Behind the Scenes Details of The Drowsy Chaperone Set

Terry Jachimiak, assistant professor of Theatre

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Terry Jachimiak, Westminster assistant professor of Theatre , will present "The Show Opens When?" at the Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Westminster College Hosted Fifth Annual Model United Nations Conference for High School Students

Students participate in discussions during the Model UN Conference.

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College hosted more than 200 students from 17 area high schools for the fifth annual Model United Nations (UN) Conference April 30.

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Chapel to Host International Peacemaker

Moses Mkandwire

Westminster College's Office of Faith and Spirituality will host international peacemaker Moses Mkandwire for Vespers Sunday, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. and chapel service Monday, Oct. 6, at 11:40 a.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.  Services are open to the public.

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Young Presbyterians Given Scholarships at Westminster College

Thirty-seven Westminster College freshmen have been accepted into the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program.

 "Our interest is in serving the church by offering the first and best opportunity to attend Westminster to young Presbyterians," said R. Thomas Williamson, president of Westminster College.

 In 2002, as Westminster College celebrated its 150th anniversary, the Board of Trustees took a serious look at the question of what it means to be a Presbyterian Church (PC) related college.  As a result, the decision was made last fall to offer scholarships, worth $11,000 annually, to outstanding PC (USA) students and offer them a way to continue to grow in faith and leaderships while on the Westminster campus.  The scholarships are given to all PC (USA) congregations, in essence, to award to a student of their choosing who meets the qualifications of active memberships in a PC (USA) congregation, and exhibits a 3.5 or higher cumulative high school grade point average.  Nominations must be received from a PC (USA) pastor.

"We have begun a journey with the 37 YPS students that I am sure will take us beyond our expectations," said Carey Anne Meyer LaSor, coordinator of the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program.  "I think that the first best thing we did was match student mentors with the YPS students.  The idea that someone is watching out for them, interested in them, checking in on them and inviting them to lunch or dinner or vespers has been key in how they have settled into life and classwork here.  The Program intends to provide for their personal, spiritual, and leadership growth, building on the abilities and potential they already possess."

"With 19 of the 37 students from out of state and our area, this has been a 'welcome mat' that they have really needed," LaSor added.  "I am convinced that the outcome of this program is going to affect this community with young men and women whose academic abilities coincide quite closely with a strong, active spiritual life.  And I believe that will be a lasting legacy as they stride into the world."

 For more information, contact LaSor at (724) 946-7365 or e-mail

 Nominations for the 2005-2006 scholarships are due by Oct. 31.  Visit for more information about the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program.

Westminster Presents "Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"

The Westminster College Chapel Drama, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," will be presented Sunday, April 24, at 2 and 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

This collaboration between Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, tells a story of Joseph, one of 12 brothers, who is spoiled by his father and hated by his jealous brothers.  The story makes a dramatic change when Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery, and ends with a lesson in forgiveness.

This family-oriented production is free and open to the public.  Contact the Westminster College Chapel Office at (724) 946-7115 for more information.

Education Professor Co-Chair of Young People Book Committee

Dr. Amy Camardese, assistant professor of education at Westminster College, was recently selected as co-chair of the Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Book Committee.

 "This committee read over 400 books and selected 118 of them for the 2006 list," Camardese said. 

 The committee, appointed by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), looks for books that emphasize human relations, represent a diversity of groups and are sensitive to a broad range of cultural experiences, and present an original theme or a fresh slant on a traditional topic.  

 Camardese, who has been with Westminster College since 2001, earned her undergraduate from the Ohio University, her master's from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Ph.D. from Kent State University.

 Contact Camardese at (724) 946-7183 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Amy Camardese

Guest Artist Organ Recital Series Continues at Westminster

Dr. Ann Marie Rigler, instructor of music at The Pennsylvania State University, will perform an organ recital Monday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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Westminster College English Professor to Give Her "Last Lecture"

Dr. Deborah C. Mitchell, assistant professor of English and public relations at Westminster College, will give her "Last Lecture" Tuesday, March 20, at 4 p.m. in Phillips Lecture Hall in Hoyt Sciences Resources Center.

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Westminster College Homecoming Continues Sesquicentennial Celebration

Westminster College Sesquicentennial Celebration continues with Homecoming festivities Friday-Sunday, Oct. 11-13, and features the Heinz Hitch pulled by the legendary Percheron horses leading the parade Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

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Westminster College Offers Personal Enrichment Classes

Westminster College announces several personal enrichment and leisure courses for community residents. Continuing Education classes and seminars are non-credit and are open to all interested individuals. Formal admission to Westminster College is not required.

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