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International Film Series to Show French Film Oct. 21

Westminster College's Jake Erhardt International Film Series will show Mood Indigo Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater.  The program is free and open to the public.

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Jerb Miller Scholarships Given to 56 Westminster College Students

Fifty-six Westminster College freshmen were awarded $36,000 Jerb Miller Scholarships.

 "This is a unique opportunity for alumni to support their alma mater," said Mary James, a 1986 Westminster graduate and director of alumni affairs and Westminster College.  "Alumni have experienced a Westminster education and understand how valuable it is.  As educators, they know students who will thrive in and contribute to the Westminster community."

 Westminster College alumni who are educators have the opportunity to nominate a deserving student for a Jerb Miller Scholarship.  The Jerb Miller Scholarships are four-year $40,000 renewable awards at $10,000 per year.  The scholarships are created in honor of Dr. Jerb Miller, a beloved professor of education at Westminster from 1968 until his death in 1992. 

 Westminster alumni who are in the education field have been asked to identify a highly qualified high school student who has the personal characteristics that would honor Westminster.  Students with a 3.5 or higher grade point average may select from any of Westminster's 40 majors.  Westminster will grant the scholarship upon endorsements of Westminster alumni educators and formal validation of the student's credentials.

 For more information, contact James at (724) 946-7363 or e-mail

Nominations for the 2005-2006 scholarships are due by Oct. 31.  Visit for more information about the Jerb Miller Scholarship Program.

Theatre Westminster Presents "Dancing at Lughnasa"

The cast and crew of Theatre Westminster presents "Dancing at Lughnasa" Thursday to Saturday, April 28-30, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. in Beeghly Theater.

"This is a story of the Mundy sisters, living in rural Donegal County Ireland in 1936," said Eileen Hendrickson, director and visiting instructor of theatre.  "The play explores the plight and joys of being a woman in Ireland at this time."

Hendrickson describes the plot as a young boy telling the story of growing up in a fatherless home with his unmarried mother and four spinster aunts in 1930s Ireland.  Each of the five women, different from the other in temperament and capability, is the emotional support system, although at times reluctantly, for each other, with the eldest assuming the role of a somewhat meddling' overseer.  But then into this comes an elderly brother, a priest too senile to perform his clerical functions, who has come home to die' after a lifetime in Africa; as well, there also arrives the boy's father, riding up on a motorcycle, only to announce that he's on his way to Spain to fight against Franco.  Nevertheless, life goes on for the five sisters, although undeniably affected by the presence of the two men, they continue to cope as a close-knit unit, until something happens that disrupts the very fabric of that cohesiveness beyond repair.

Tickets can be obtained by calling the box office at (724) 946-7241.

Contact Hendrickson at (724) 946-7237 or e-mail for more information.

Westminster Film Expert Predicts Academy Winners

Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English and Public Relations, has made her predictions for the Academy Award winners.

 "I believe Brokeback Mountain will get Best Film; its director Ang Lee will get the Best Director award; and it will also get the Best Adapted Screenplay," Mitchell said.  "Best Actor will go to Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote.  Best Actress will be Felicity Huffman for Transamerica, although this one could be close because Reese Witherspoon is a strong contender for her role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.

 "The Supporting Actor Award should go to Paul Giamatti for Cinderella Man and the Supporting Actress will go to Catherine Keener for Capote, although you can never count Frances McDormand out for North Country.  Original Screenplay, well this is a tough one, but I'm betting on Good Night, and Good Luck, as a nod to George Clooney."

 Mitchell's background includes film studies, literature, composition, public relations, print and broadcast journalism, and advertising.  She completed her doctoral work in film studies at Case Western University under the direction of Dr. Louis Giannetti, author of Understanding Movies, Flashback and Masters of the American Cinema.  Mitchell's work has appeared in Literature and Film Quarterly and she has presented several papers at national film and literature conferences.  She presented her paper on Australian film at the Millennium Film Conference in Bath, England in the summer of 1999 and recently helped initiate the film studies minor at Westminster College.  She has written and produced television commercials, television programs, and printed material.

 Mitchell's book Diane Keaton: Artist and Icon was published in 2001, and along with Dr. Elizabeth Ford, a Westminster professor of English Emeritus, she co-authored The Makeover in Movies: Before and After in Hollywood Films, 1941-2002.

 Contact Mitchell at (724) 946-7030 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Deborah Mitchell

Westminster Religion Professor Signs Publishing Deal

Dr. Bryan Rennie, associate professor of religion and philosophy at Westminster College, recently signed a contract with Continuum International Publishing Group.

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Westminster College Earns Undergraduate Science Research Award

Westminster College has earned an Undergraduate Science Research Award from The Merck Company Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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Westminster Professor to Discuss South African Hope of Unity

Dr. Kent Carter, associate professor of business administration at Westminster College, will discuss "Apartheid and Reconciliation in South African" Thursday, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. in Ferguson Hall Lobby.

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Westminster Continues "Get Real" Life Preparation Series

Westminster College continues the "Get Real" life preparation series with "Financial Planning: Personal Finances and Understanding Investments Part 1" scheduled Thursday, Sept. 21, from 12:35-1:40 p.m. at the Club Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Kappa Mu Epsilon Inducts New Members

(Row 1) Larissa Fortna, Anna Sparacino, Callie Croushore, Lindsey Stankiewicz, Faculty Adviser Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz; (Row 2) Elizabeth Kribel, Amy Leicht, Randy Sylvester

Kappa Mu Epsilon, a national mathematics interest organization, inducted eight Westminster College students at the annual Mathematics and Computer Science Department Spring banquet held recently in the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Professor Selected for Neuroscience Society Committee

Dr. Alan Gittis

Dr. Alan Gittis, professor and chair of Westminster College's Department of Psychology, attended the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego and began a three-year term on the Public Education and Communication Committee.

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