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Westminster College Inducts 26 Students to International Education Honor Society

Twenty-six Westminster College students were recently inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, an international education honor society.

Kappa Delta Pi membership is restricted to the top 20 percent of those students seeking teacher certification.  Eligibility includes that the student must be at least a second-semester sophomore who is in a program leading to teacher certification and has evidence of service to children and the profession.

Contact Dr. Linda Domanski, assistant professor of education and adviser to the group, at (724) 946-7182 or e-mail for more information.

New Wilmington Area Business Expo to be Held March 18 at Westminster College Field House

The fourth annual New Wilmington Area Business Expo will be held Saturday, March 18, at the Westminster College Memorial Field House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

 Last year's Business Expo featured booths from more than 100 area businesses and over 1,000 visitors packed the Westminster Field House.  This year the Business Expo will expand to the main and auxiliary gyms and the lobby to provide additional room for business booths and patrons.

"We hope that local businesses will take advantage of this great opportunity and participate," said event co-chair Betty Jones.  "This type of event is a great way to introduce yourself and your business to potential customers and other businesses.  We are excited about the quality of the door prizes that will be given away, and expect this year's Business Expo to showcase some of the great things available in our community."

Jones added that "home-based" businesses and food vendors are welcome to participate.

 The event is organized by the New Wilmington Area Chamber of Commerce and is intended to provide local businesses with one-on-one contacts and marketing opportunities.  Patrons of the event will have the opportunity to win one of many valuable door prizes being donated by participating businesses.  Admission to the event is free.

 All area businesses are invited to participate.  A registration fee is required in addition to providing a door prize.  Each participating business will be given space to display their products.  New Wilmington Area Chamber members receive a discount off the registration fee

 Contact co-chair Anne Bruening at (724) 946-3300 for more information, or visit for the latest Chamber news.

International Film Festival Continues at Westminster College

"Waking Ned Devine," a 1998 British/French comedy, will be shown Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Theater.

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Westminster College Church Relations Sponsors Continuing Education Event

Dr. Scott W. Sunquist, the W. Don McClure associate professor of world missions and evangelism, will speak on "History's Lessons for Church Growth" at Westminster College Tuesday, March 13, from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. in Russell Hall.

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Westminster Professor to Deliver Henderson Lecture

Dr. Bryan Rennie, associate professor of religion and philosophy at Westminster College, will deliver the Henderson Lecture, Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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Psychology Professor and Student Present Their Collaborative Research

Dr. Mandy Medvin

Dr. Mandy Medvin, Westminster professor of psychology and Gibson-Drinko Distinguished Chair of Psychology, recently presented "Influence of Rejection Sensitivity on Friendship Satisfaction and Quality" at the 114th annual American Psychological Association (APA) convention in New Orleans.

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Faculty to Present "Two Sonatas and Some Candy"

Dr. Nancy Zipay DeSalvo
Jonathan R. Moser

Westminster College will hold a faculty recital titled "Two Sonatas and Some Candy" Tuesday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Orr Auditorium.

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Westminster College to Present Last in Fall Semester "Get Real!" Series

Darryl Audia of Audia Real Estate Services in New Castle will present "TriBeCa/SoHo: 2BR/2BA," the fourth in Westminster College's "Get Real!" life preparation series, Thursday, Dec. 6.

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Westminster College to Host Speaker from Northwestern University

Dr. Alice Dreger

The Next Chapter Speaker Series at Westminster College will host Dr. Alice Dreger, professor of clinical humanities and bioethics at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. in Orr Auditorium. The presentation is free and open to the public.

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SIFE Team Wins Regional Competition

Seated: Sydney Serjak, Alicia Seitz, Mr. Smith, Amanda Conway, Ashley Carnahan. Standing: Matt Saines, Jordan Flaim, Jeff Downey, Nate Capello, Jake Hagmaier, Stephen LaRue

Westminster College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) successfully defended its divisional championship at the SIFE Regional Competition March 16 in Charlotte, N.C.

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