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Mock Convention Set for Nov. 7-8

Westminster College's 18th Mock Convention, one of the oldest surviving collegiate conventions in the country, will take place Nov. 7-8.

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Biochemistry Students Win Award for Research

Nicholas Mizenko and Natasha Kassim

Natasha Kassim and Nicholas Mizenko, Westminster College junior biochemistry majors, won the third place poster award at the sixth annual International Microwaves in Chemistry conference May 14-16 in Cambridge, Mass.

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Professor was Guest Speaker on Balancing Academic Life and Motherhood

Dr. Helen Boylan

Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster College associate professor of chemistry and a 1995 Westminster graduate, was a guest lecturer for a graduate level course on academic management Feb. 25 at the University of Pittsburgh.

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History Professor Contributed Research on Muscovite Bride Shows

Dr. Russell Martin

Dr. Russell Martin, Westminster College associate professor of history, contributed a book chapter and gave a presentation related to his continuing research of Muscovite bride shows and royal weddings.

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College Welcomes Class of 2014 with Opening Convocation Aug. 27

Westminster College will welcome the class of 2014 with the traditional Opening Convocation Friday, Aug. 27, at 1:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Biology Professor to Share Research Study at Faculty Forum

Dr. Karen Resendes

Dr. Karen Resendes, Westminster College assistant professor of biology, will present the results of a research study at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, April 13, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Notes from the Field Station: Snow Ecology

The Field Station with a nice cover of snow
Children's activity when there is snow
Rabbit tracks
Dark-eyed junco, a snowbird

Snow has a mixed reputation.  Some people like it, others tolerate it and still others despise it.  In a Facebook post, one person wrote this about snow:  "I like photographing snow and that's about it. I've had the last 20 winters to get the effect, I'm getting tired of it."  Another person, in counter response, stated emphatically:  "Me me!!!! I love snow."  This winter may favor the first person, but at the Field Station we are with the second one. 

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Westminster College Associate Professor of Spanish Attends Summer Conferences

Dr. Joel Postema, associate professor of Spanish

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Dr. Joel Postema, Westminster College associate professor of Spanish, attended two conferences over the summer.

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Westminster College to Celebrate Commencement May 18

the Rev. Dr. John B. "Mike" Loudon
Leonard M. Carroll

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - More than 300 students are expected to earn degrees Saturday, May 18, at Westminster College's 159th commencement ceremonies.  A baccalaureate service will be held at 10:30 a.m. in Orr Auditorium with commencement at 2:30 p.m. on the Weisel Senior Terrace of Old Main.
The baccalaureate message will be given by the Rev. Dr. John B. "Mike" Loudon, senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Lakeland, Fla., and former pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church of New Castle.

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Mathematics Majors Presented Capstone Results

Gregory Clark
Sarah Fugate
Amber Hill
Jenna Huston
Brandon Mosley

Six Westminster College senior mathematics majors recently presented the results of their capstone research.

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Displaying 4361-4370 of 6508 total records