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History Professor Named McCandless Scholar

Dr. Russell Martin, associate professor of history at Westminster College, has been named McCandless Scholar for the 2003-2004 academic year.

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Westminster College Biology Professor to Give Biodiversity Talk

Dr. Clarence E. Harms, professor of biology at Westminster College, will continue the Westminster College Diversity Symposium with a talk on Biodiversity, Thursday, March 22, at 7 p.m. in room 166 of the Hoyt Science Resources Center.

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Celebrity Series Announces 2006-07 Season

The Westminster College Celebrity Series 2006-07 season offers a variety of musical entertainment.

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World-Renowned Architect and Designer to Speak at Westminster College

William McDonough

World-renowned architect and designer William McDonough will speak at Westminster College Thursday, Sept. 14, at 8 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Westminster College Unveils Newly Redesigned Homepage

This article originally appeared in the March 23 edition of The Holcad, Westminster College's student newspaper. Colin Dean, a senior computer science major from Volant, played an integral role in the development of the new homepage and serves as editor-in-chief of The Holcad. The site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox 2.0.

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Westminster College Offers $60,000 Legacy Scholarships to Alumni Children and Grandchildren

Westminster College is offering $60,000 Legacy Scholarships to qualified children and grandchildren of Westminster alumni.

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Chemistry Major Received Grant to Present Research at National Meeting

Spencer Rohrbacher, a Westminster College senior chemistry major, received a travel/presentation grant from Westminster's Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to present his research at the American Chemical Society national meeting March 22-25 in Salt Lake City.

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Director of Bands to be Guest Conductor

Dr. R. Tad Greig

Dr. R. Tad Greig, Westminster College associate professor and director of bands, will be guest conductor for two band festivals in January.

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History Professor to Present Henderson Lecture

Dr. David Twining

Dr. David Twining, Westminster College professor of history, will present the 2010-2011 Henderson Lecture Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Maple Room of the McKelvey Campus Center. The event is free and open to the public.

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Secondary Education Minors Conducted Family Literacy Night

Westminster College secondary education minors conducted "March Madness: A Family Literacy Event" March 29 at Campbell (Ohio) Middle School that was attended by more than 140 students and parents.

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Displaying 4911-4920 of 6509 total records